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Fri 28Jun 2024

Pasteurise and sterilise without interruption: discover our continuous systems

Pasteuriser et stériliser sans interruption : découvrez nos systèmes continus

Continuous systems: sterilising and pasteurising without interruption for mass production.


Discover our 3 unique, high-performance continuous systems.


Since 2010, Steritech has been designing dedicated solutions for manufacturers with demanding production and output requirements. These solutions, tailored to your needs, enable you to save a considerable amount of time by speeding up your production rates, reducing floor space requirements, improving the consistency of the heat treatment of your products while ensuring complete traceability.



Serial Tower: the most productive and best suited to flexible and fragile packaging


Thanks to these vertical tanks, the Serial Tower always maintains the ideal temperature and pressure. So heating and cooling times are no longer a problem. Cycle times are reduced by 30%, a real productivity boost!


This continuous pasteurisation and sterilisation system specialises in processing flexible packaging. Thanks to a counter-pressure system, the integrity of your packaging is guaranteed, even the most fragile!


Moreover, the Serial Tower was designed with the support of the European Eco Innovation programme, and has been recognised for its clear economic and ecological superiority over other solutions on the market!


Find out more on our special page



The Continuous Modular Pasteurizer (CMP): Modularity without limits


This continuous solution is the most modular on the market, with 4 adaptable zones for pasteurising, pre-cooling, cooling and storing your products. As an added bonus, these zones enable considerable energy recovery. It’s also a solution that can be adapted to a wide range of packaging shapes and sizes, for all your products!


The CMP offers a tailor-made modular solution where everything can be fully automated according to your needs.


You can also choose to combine the CMP with the Serial Tower, for optimum capacity and cost-effectiveness.


For more information, click here


Continuous hydrostatic pasteuriser (CHP) or continuous hydrostatic steriliser (CHS): the most flexible solution


For companies managing the production of a wide variety of packaged products, this solution is totally flexible: temperature control, counter-pressure, exposure time… Your needs are our priority!


Once again, we offer you an ideal solution, specifically adapted to the nature of your products and their packaging.


Unlike our other continuous systems, this solution no longer thermally treats the product by batch or by tray, but by row, a unique idea that saves even more floor space.


The CHP and CHS increase your production output, while saving water and energy.


Visit this page to find out more


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