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Tue 30Jul 2024

Social moments at Steritech


Social moments at Steritech : a look back at our recent events

At Steritech, we love what we do, but we also enjoy informal times of conviviality between teams. The last few months have been full of events, including a summer barbecue and the inter-company football tournament. 🚀

Afterwork: a time for sharing

In June, despite the capricious weather, our barbecue afterwork was an opportunity to get together for a moment of tasting, chilling out and laughter. After an aperitif under the last rays of sunshine, the evening went on in a welcoming atmosphere and under the watchful eye of our barbecue kings, veggie or not! 🔥

Inter-company football tournament: team spirit in action

In July, we took part in the 4th edition of the Dettwiller inter-company tournament. Our team showed great motivation and determination to come fourth!

This sporting event provided an opportunity for camaraderie and strengthened team cohesion in a competitive and friendly environment. ⚽

And today’s good news is that our annual summer day out is on the horizon! 😎

Stay tuned

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