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Mon 30Sep 2024

Botulism in food: preventing risks with Steritech sterilization solutions

Botulism in food: preventing risks with Steritech sterilization solutions

Botulism is a serious food poisoning caused by a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The recent cases of botulism in France in September 2024, following the consumption of pesto jars, are a reminder of the importance of the microbiological safety of artisanal and industrial food products.

To avoid such incidents, it is essential to follow strict recommendations and use reliable sterilization technologies. Steritech, expert in sterilization solutions, offers high-performance equipment, ensuring food safety while preserving its quality. Our solutions can be adapted to both industrial and artisanal scales with our small sterilizing autoclave Goût’stave.

What is botulism?

Botulism is a rare but potentially fatal disease caused by ingesting toxins produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. This bacterium thrives in low-oxygen environments, such as canned or vacuum-packed, and can produce paralyzing toxins.

In France, botulism has been reported as early as the 19th century, mainly linked to the consumption of artisanal charcuterie and canned food. Several epidemics have marked the country, particularly in the 1950s and 1960s, with a notable case in 1952 in the Lot-et-Garonne. Although cases have decreased thanks to better regulation of conservation methods, sporadic episodes still occur, such as the 2023 epidemic in Bordeaux linked to poorly preserved sardines. Today, surveillance is carried out by Santé Publique France, and prevention is based on strict standards for artisanal foods.

What foods are affected by botulism?

Foods that are likely to be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum are often those whose sterilization process has been poorly mastered or stored incorrectly. The products at risk essentially represent:

  • Artisanal preserve: vegetables, fruits, fish, meat and canned ready meals.
  • Vacuum products: cold cuts, meat, fish.
  • Low-acid products: Low-acid foods such as meat, fish, sauces (such as pesto), and some soups and vegetables.
  • Homemade preparations: jars of vegetables or dishes that are not sterilized properly or stored at inadequate temperatures.

These types of products provide an environment conducive to the development of Clostridium botulinum if good storage and sterilization practices are not followed.

Let’s take a look at ANSES’s recommendations to prevent botulism

The French National Agency for Health Security (ANSES) has published a series of recommendations to prevent the risks associated with botulism. Here are the main measures to follow to prevent the proliferation of botulinum spores in food products:

  • Respect sterilization temperatures and times: Canned, vacuum-packed or jarred foods must undergo a high-temperature heat treatment, usually around 121°C for a given time, to eliminate botulinum spores. It is important to follow the sterilization protocol by monitoring the core temperature of the product to ensure that the sterilizing value is achieved. Autoclaves, industrial or Goût’stave, such as those offered by Steritech, guarantee optimal sterilization conditions for each type of product.
  • Do not eat deformed or bulging cans: A bulging package is often a sign of bacterial overgrowth inside, potentially caused by Clostridium botulinum. The production of gases in these cans may indicate a serious hazard. If in doubt, it is recommended not to consume these products and to eliminate them according to local recommendations. Handling should be done with care to avoid any risk of exposure.
  • Maintaining the cold chain: For both fresh and chilled foods, maintain the cold chain is essential. Storage at low temperatures can slow down or even prevent the growth of botulinum spores. Products such as pestos, if not sterilized, should be stored at a temperature below 4°C.
  • Hygiene control during manufacturing: Initial contamination of food can be avoided through rigorous hygiene practices during preparation and packaging. ANSES recommends that the protocols for disinfecting equipment and work surfaces, as well as washing the hands of operators, be scrupulously respected.

These recommendations should be strictly followed by producers of canned goods and artisanal food products to avoid any risk of botulinum contamination.

Steritech’s solutions for enhanced food safety

Faced with food safety challenges, Steritech offers robust sterilization and pasteurization solutions adapted to the specific needs of the food industry and artisanal canneries.

  • High-Performance Autoclaves: On an industrial scale, they allow reliable and controlled heat treatments to be applied to ensure the destruction of botulinum spores in canned or jar products.
  • Our Goût’stave solution: Designed especially for small structures, such as artisanal canneries, Goût’stave offers a tailor-made sterilization process. By precisely adjusting the sterilization parameters, this solution not only ensures the safety of the products, but also preserves their taste quality.

In both cases, our  integrated Trilogy 4.0 control system provides real-time monitoring of the sterilization cycle, with precise temperature and pressure control. This system immediately detects any anomalies, ensuring perfect control of the process.

Moreover, the addition of core temperature probes allows the internal temperature of the products to be monitored and the exact sterilization value to be calculated in real time, thus ensuring the effectiveness of the treatment.

At the end of each cycle, all data is compiled into a comprehensive report, facilitating traceability and ensuring compliance of sterilization cycles, a guarantee of quality and safety for your products.


The risk of botulism is rare but remains a serious threat, especially for poorly sterilized foods. Thanks to autoclaves and innovative solutions such as Goût’stave, Steritech offers producers a turnkey solution to guarantee the safety of their products while preserving their taste quality.

Working with Steritech means ensuring that we meet the highest standards of food safety while providing consumers with superior quality products.

Contact us to have a talk on your sterilisation project!

 Botulism: how to protect yourself? – ANSES